Friday, February 17, 2012

I Feel So Good, What's Wrong With Me?

“I feel so good, something must be wrong with me”. The words muttered out of my subconscious and seeped into my thoughts. Allow me to explain. One of my best friends introduced me recently to a whole food supplement that provides your body with many of the vitamins and amino acids that it needs. She is someone I would trust with my life and hearing her results I figured I would give it a try.
I took the first PM capsule two Sunday evenings ago. I woke up the next Monday feeling so alive and present, I couldn’t figure out what was going on. I had no brain fog, my sinuses were clear and I felt happy and energetic. Wait, it’s Monday morning. Aren’t I supposed to be dreading being awake this early and having to go into work? I shook off the questioning, made myself the “morning mix” and went to work. By the time I got into the office, I was almost in a complete panic attack. I kept thinking “this can’t be true, I feel so good”. I sat at my desk almost paralyzed thinking “something must be wrong, I feel too good.”

Using my coaching experience I was able to sit in that feeling. While sitting in silence for a few minutes asking God “what am I supposed to know here?” it hit me. I had a deep subconscious belief that “I don’t deserve to feel good”. This hit the pit of my stomach, it didn’t feel good. Well there you have it! I got to prove that I didn’t feel good but feeling awful about it. Talk about a paradox. I got out my journal, had a conversation with myself and was able to recognize where this stemmed from. The good news is now it has been exposed and that when it comes up again, I can welcome in the feeling and let it know that it no longer serves me and send it on its way.

After hearing of Whitney Houston’s tragic death, it made me wonder if she had that feeling too. The feeling of “I don’t deserve to feel good. I don’t deserve success, etc.” Was she so afraid of her light that she chose to stay in the dark?

For me, the dark is my comfort zone. I know it well. It helps me stay small and not play full out in my life. It allows me to blame the world and everyone in it for not getting what I deserve. I’ve lived there a long time. There had been glimpses of light here and there but it was few and far between. Fortunately, I’ve had the support and courage to move through this and choose to play in the light more than the dark these days.

I share this with you today because I want you all to know that YOU DESERVE TO FEEL GOOD! YOU DESERVE THE LIFE THAT GOD HAS INTENDED FOR YOU. TO BE HAPPY, HEALTHY AND SUCCESSFUL IN WHATEVER YOU DO. Life is not about surviving, it’s about thriving and sharing your special self with the world.

In order to step into our light, we must be able to accept that we in fact have a “dark side” (the running joke is that there are cookies there). When we resist that is exists, it creeps up in our lives and sabotages our best intentions. We end up “feeding” the part of us that believes that we don’t deserve good and abundance in our lives.

I would like to invite you to tune into the OWN Network on Sunday to introduce yourself to your Shadow by checking out one of my teacher and mentor’s interviews and screening of the movie The Shadow Effect. Her name is Debbie Ford and she introduced me to my Shadow and has assisted me and thousands of other’s discover their own dazzling light. You can click here for more information.

And as I wrap it up, I would like to seal it with a big bow and share a few beautiful words created by Marianne Williamson (Our Deepest Fear):
“And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.”

With love and respect,