Sunday, October 12, 2008

Self worth compared to net worth

I was watching Oprah the other day and she was interviewing her friend Dr. Oz about all the illnesses that people have been experiencing due to the economic crisis that the world is facing. Something struck me when Dr. Oz spoke of a person’s self worth as compared to their net worth. I was reminded of Debbie Ford saying “this is a microcosm or the macrocosm”, or as I would like to say “it’s a little picture inside of the big picture” or “a piece of the grand puzzle”. Yes, I’m getting to the point.

For years my self worth was wrapped up in my net worth or what I pretended my net worth was. I was living way beyond my means in order to feel worthy, be acceptable. My inner world was covered up with layers of fear, regret and anger and in order to make myself feel better and feel good about myself, I went shopping. I bought things I didn’t need as well as things that I thought I couldn’t live without; clothing, self help books, dvd’s, cd’s, etc. Money was spent on seminars and workshops and of course in the booths that are at these events. I was in debt and wasn’t sure what I was going to do to get out of it. I would hide credit card bills from my husband or hide things I had purchased so I wouldn’t be questioned about them. I wasted minutes, even hours of energy trying to figure out how I was going to get out of this mess I so voluntarily stepped right into.

One of the “staples”, in my opinion, about creating an extraordinary life for oneself is taking full and 100% ownership and responsibility for your life. I found it really easy coaching others on how to live in integrity and full responsibility, yet I couldn’t teach it to myself. Recently, after attending another workshop (hey at least this one was included in the full price of the education I’m receiving), it “clicked”. I knew that I would not be able to tap into my self-worth until I got real and cleaned up my net worth. This realization led to a few very difficult conversations with myself and my husband as well as a very humbling experience with a credit counselor that was a complete stranger to me. In the end, I am relieved and will be debt free sooner than I would have been if I would have tried to be the strong one and take care of everything myself without asking for help. I saved myself from drowning in a sea of debt and despair. I have begun to clean up my net worth opening up new space for my self worth to grow and prosper.

As you move through your week, remember that the best things in life truly are free. A hug from a loved one, a talk with a good friend, deep breathing and probably the most important, taking a few minutes every day to be grateful for all that you have.

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