Friday, February 15, 2008

Pro-Prosperity or Anti-Recession: Which Do YOU Choose?

Sure enough, I opened my internet explorer this morning and one of the headlines read
“Greenspan says recession more than 50% likely”. That is the last time you will hear me mention that quote in this article as I would like to keep my lunch digesting in the correct direction.

Again, it goes back to the ripple effect and how positive and negative thoughts can create more of the same. When you read a headline like the one above do you think “Yes! It’s going to be a stellar year?” or do your thoughts start reeling about how you’re going to keep your job so you can pay your mortgage, feed and clothe your family? Do you settle for this just being how it is and hope for the best?

If you have seen the much raved about “The Secret” then you will remember that thoughts become things and that if we focus our attention on negative thoughts and feelings that is what we will surely attract more of.

You hear about the War on Terrorism all over the news today, but do you ever hear any demonstrations of Pro-Peace? Instead of holding up signs reading"Stop the Drilling", how about holding signs made out of recyclable products that read "Let’s Work Together and Bring Back the Rainforest". I think you see my point here.

The title of my blog is Pro-Prosperity or Anti-Recession, which do you choose? They may have the same meaning behind them, yet are very different. Look at the words "pro" and "prosperity". Both are positive in thought and action. Now think of "anti" and "recession", both words have negative connotations. It is simple as choosing a new perspective on how to look at things.

Each of us thinks a million thoughts a day. You have the power to choose your thoughts. If thinking one positive thought a day would help bring the world more peace and abundance, would you be willing to do that? I invite you over the coming weeks to come up with one positive thought, just one a day, write it down. This is something you can do upon waking, while brushing your teeth or driving to work. Once you have the thought, say it silently or out loud, and send out those ripples. We are all connected. In one way or another, your positive thought will touch us all.

I’ll start it off with this blog. I choose Pro-Prosperity, Pro-Life, Pro-Love and have plenty of abundance to share with the Universe. Please share this with everyone you know and if you desire, respond with your positive thought to this blog starting the Yes We Can campaign.

What do you choose?

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