Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Need VS. Deserve

We’ve all made them
We’ve all failed them
Focused on the need
Instead of the deed
Shift the perspective
Uncover a true gem

Welcome to a new decade! I hope you all had a wonderfully safe New Year and have welcomed in 2010 with open arms and hearts.

OK, so I feel compelled to bring up the topic of resolutions. We have all made them and broken them within weeks, days, even minutes. It made me wonder, do we make these resolutions knowing that we are going to break them? Why make them in the first place? We all start out hopeful, ready to take on a new year and create a new us. We resolve to lose weight, stop smoking, stop drinking, play more, make more money, work harder, the list goes on and on. When asking others about their resolutions, the response I often hear sounds something like “I NEED to (fill in the blank here)”. I’ve even used that phrase myself.

This causes us to sit in the space of need in order to do something to make us feel better about ourselves. Of course, it is a great idea to get in better health and become the next best you there is, but do we make these resolutions with the knowledge that everything we NEED is already inside of us? Or are we once again looking for that magic bullet that is going to make the difference for us “this time”? What if I told you I had the magic bullet we are all looking for? Is it a powder, a pill, a miracle elixir? Nope. Is it going to cost you an arm and a leg to get it? Nope. Are you ready for it? Are you sure? Do you have what it takes? The secret ingredient to getting the results that you want and living your dream is:


Well, alright, so that’s two things but since your thoughts and beliefs go hand in hand, let’s call them the one secret ingredient. I can write a book about how our thoughts and beliefs affect our lives but that’s for another project. In order to get where you want to go you must BELIEVE that you DESERVE it.

I got a strong message around this a few weeks ago while attending an open house at a new and wonderful wellness center I stumbled upon. I kept repeating “I really need to get going”. Three hours later, one of my fellow lightworkers said “weren’t you supposed to leave 3 hours ago?” I replied to him “well I guess I needed this”. He took my hand in his, looked me in the eyes and said “no, you deserved it”. I will never forget that moment. I got a chill up my spine as my eyes filled with tears and said “you are right, I did deserve this”. Since that day, whenever I hear myself saying “I need” I turn it around and say “I deserve”. It has been an amazing transformation for me.

My challenge for you this week is to look at the resolutions or goals you made for yourself this year so far. If any of them started with “I need”, replace the word need with deserve and see how that feels. For example, instead of “I need to get this extra weight off”, shift that to “I DESERVE to live a healthy life”. Did you feel the shift in the vibration of that?

I would like to end this blog with an excerpt from the book Finding Your Strength in Difficult Times by Dr. David Viscott.

“You deserve to give your best as well receive the best. The world deserves to hear from you. As a matter of fact, the world needs to hear from you. Maybe the reason you don’t feel deserving is that you aren’t giving enough of what you were put here to give.”

Meditation: I deserve all the good I can imagine, all the joy I can carry, the company of friends, the love of myself. All the good. I deserve it.

Sending you all the love, light and peace that you deserve,

Mary Laughlin Cunningham
Life Coach/Author/Speaker/Writer
"Where the difference is YOU"

1 comment:

Ann said...

Love this one and hope that people can stick to their resolution to make the change for their health and wellness!