Thursday, May 27, 2010

Who Am I?

Today she stood in front of the mirror
“Who am I? Why am I here?”
Though the answers aren’t clear
And she’s not sure what direction to go
She is at peace
When the answer that follows is
“I just don’t know”

Hi there,

I’ve had so many thoughts coming to me the last few days it’s almost difficult to write about just one thing. Because of this, I’ve decided to just let the words out and share what’s going inside of me. It is with this hope that you find what is going on inside of you and even if you aren’t sure what life is going to bring you next, it’s all ok, no matter what.

The last year or so has brought me so many lessons I can no longer count them on my fingers and toes. I have had moments of looking at them as curses, screaming on the inside “what can possibly happen next?” I’ve had times of absolute bliss along with being so low I wasn’t sure if I could pull myself back up and keep going. So what have I learned?

I’ve learned that no matter what, life keeps going. To look at all experiences as blessings. That nothing is more important than friends and family. Jobs come and go. That no matter how hard it rains the sun will come out again. Forgiveness is probably the most important ability that anyone can acquire starting with the forgiveness of the self and then of others. So where does this put me today?

Today, in this moment, I sit in a place of being scared to death and incredibly exhilarated all at the same time. Pieces of my life have turned into ashes and are being washed away with this amazing late spring storm we have been having. As I move through the grieving process of what I’m letting go of, I am celebrating all the new that is coming into my life. The possibility of a new love, a new career, and a renewed friendship is what makes me smile through the tears that I have been shedding. Not to mention the amazing support I have from my friends and family who love me anyway and just because.

So will I be that amazing life coach that inspires humanity to lean back into Oneness? Will I be a New York Times Best Seller? Will I be a mom who teaches her child to take risks and live life full out? I don’t know. But what I do know is that no matter what I become, it will be perfect in its imperfection and that as long as I never forget to keep breathing, keep moving and keep feeling my feelings, it is all going to be exactly as it was meant to be.

What if sitting in the answer of “I don’t know” is what we need to learn to practice in order to allow the windows of unlimited possibilities to fly open and invite us out to experience all that life has to offer? Are you game? If your answer to that is “I don’t know”, you are in the perfect place…

Sending you all much gratefulness and love,


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