Saturday, March 12, 2011

A Lesson in Loneliness

It’s around 11:00 pm on Friday, March 11 and I feel sad and alone. I was bitten by a nasty flu bug last Sunday and my body, mind and spirit are all a little exhausted.

At first I wasn’t going to write this blog because the last thing I want is anyone’s pity. I was also concerned about bringing my reader’s “down”. I didn’t want to come across as the “grim reaper”. Then I thought, “what if, instead of focusing on me and what everyone will think, I decide to write this with the intention of helping another feel better and not so alone?” Now THAT was something I could feel inspired about. It reminded me of what I had learned from my mentor and teacher Debbie Ford during a four day leadership intensive this past January.

Debbie and her amazing staff took us from an “I” mentality into the “we” which was explained to us as the collective. I understood it this way. When we come from the “I”, we make it all about us. “What will they think about me, what if they don’t like me, what if I make a fool of myself?” When we are living in the “I” mentality we live in our heads. We separate ourselves from everyone else. When we come from the collective we look at how we can make a difference in the lives of others, how we can be that beacon for someone that feels lost and alone. We become compassionate and have empathy for others. We start to live from our hearts and become a part of something that is bigger than any of us. Then lo and behold, by helping others we in fact help ourselves.

Making the shift from the “I” to the “we” isn’t easy. I had lived in my head for so long I forgot how to listen to what my heart was telling me. Living in my head looks something like me doing what I can so that you will like me, whether or not that means having to compromise my own integrity in order to do so. I feed off of other’s approval and acceptance. When I come from the heart, I am able to get quiet and listen as well as communicate my feelings and desires without having to worry about what “they” will think about me. I am nourished by faith and trust in our Creator and in myself.

This week was a huge lesson for me in living in the “I”. I was alone and had to fend for myself. I had to learn how to nurture and love myself in the middle of my misery. When I made it all about me and my suffering, I just suffered more. When I remembered that I am never truly alone and that I am a part of the One, as we all are, it brought more peace and healing to my body, mind and spirit. I dropped from my head into my heart and experienced more healing and gratitude than I have in a long time.

As humans we will all have moments of living in our heads and then falling into our hearts. If you are interested in finding out how to live more from your heart and getting out of your head, I encourage you to contact me for a free sample session today!

Sending you all light…

Mary Cunningham
Integrative Coach

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