Monday, November 9, 2009

Have you ever woken up

And pulled the sheets o’er your head
Not wanting to get up
And face the day ahead

What is it you’re afraid of
This could be your best day yet
Throw the covers off your body
Invite in the light, let go of regret

Happy Fall everyone,

Can you believe that we’re into November? Where has this year gone? It feels like yesterday was the beginning of the year and now we are approaching the end. Since fall is the time for gathering and harvesting, I thought this would be the perfect week to talk about what it is that you’ve planted this year and what it is that you would like to be harvesting.

My year has been a bit insane but there is so much I am grateful for. At the beginning of the year, I planted some unexpected seeds in a barren garden bed. Doing my own internal work provided the soil with plenty of nutrients so when it was time for harvest, the healthiest and richest part of me surfaced and is now ready to be plucked from the ground and integrated into my soul. This healthy and rich part of me comes down to one word, responsibility. While I have been responsible in some areas of my life, it was very clear that I was very irresponsible with others. The harvesting of my heart and soul has shown up as me taking responsibility for all areas of my life and doing something every day (ok almost every day) that is new and different and that sometimes scares me.

There have been days where I don’t know where I get my strength from but one thing I can say for sure is I have NEVER felt more alive than I do right now. Just last night I opened up to a dear friend of mine and what I shared had me feeling very vulnerable and scared to death. I was scared because I knew that what I was sharing could freak them out but I also knew that if I didn’t share my authentic self, not only would I be robbing that person of really knowing my heart, but more importantly I would be robbing myself of fully living.

As I sat down to write this blog I thought “Sure we all know what we need to do to survive and exist but do we know what we need to do to fully experience being alive?” Is it recognizing, integrating and celebrating our beliefs, thoughts and feelings instead of using some external agent (work, tv, food, sex, exercise, drugs, alcohol, etc) to numb out? Is it being true to ourselves first and figuring out what feeds our soul instead of selling out to who others want us to be? I don’t think there is one right question to find all your answers. Maybe it is a gathering of powerful questions that will help you to listen to what your body, mind and spirit are telling you.

As the days get shorter and the evenings longer, I encourage you to take an inventory of what you have harvested this year. Is it more of the “same ol’, same ol’? If it is more of the same, ask yourself “have I fully lived each and every day to the BEST of my abilities this year”? If the answer is no, you might want to take a look around on the inside to see what shifts you would need to take in order to create your best year yet. We have ninety-five days left this year, let’s make them all count! Are you with me?

Wishing you a bountiful harvest full of gratitude and peace.

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