Monday, November 9, 2009

What are they thinking?

Putting a priority on what others think

Offers us no more than grief
And saps our energy and power
But what matters most is what we think of ourselves
Because for what anyone thinks of us
Is their business and none of ours

Hello all,

I hope last week was filled with lots of breathing space for you. I made sure to follow my own advice this week and create the space I needed to reflect and spend some time reading and writing.

As you may know, I get a lot of my blog ideas from things I may have read or from conversations I have had with others. A recent conversation I had with a girlfriend of mine was around how, as humans, we have the tendency to put a lot of value on what others think about us. That had me thinking a bit about how much time and energy we waste worrying about what to say, what to do or who to be so other’s will think highly of us. We walk on eggshells around certain people in our lives in fear of being ourselves and speaking and acting from our hearts. Well guess what, no matter how good we get on walking lightly on those eggshells, they are going to think whatever they want and we have no way to control that.

Now does that mean that I think that we should do, say and be whoever we want without taking anyone’s feelings into consideration? Not really. But first, I think we need to examine why we do, say and be who we are in our interactions with others. What part of ourselves are we feeding and giving our energy to? Are we putting on a mask so we don’t expose who we really are, or are we coming from that place of authenticity that exists within all of us?

Now you might be thinking, how do I know when I am being authentic? There are several definitions of the word but I think it comes down to knowing who your true self is, and acting as much as you can from that place within you. I further believe you arrived into this world as your true self who was pure love and light energy filled with wonderment, emotions, excitement, inspiration and kindness.

This week, I encourage you to pay attention to your interaction with others and ask yourself the question “am I being authentic and my true self or am I more concerned with what they think and who they think I need to be?”

Wishing you a week of great interaction with yourself and others.

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