Thursday, September 10, 2009

Breathing Space - Do you have enough?

It’s easy for us to get caught up
With life’s crazy pace
Do we stop and take notice
Of our breathing space?

This week’s blog was inspired by a conversation I was having with a friend this week. We were talking about our recent experiences and where we were in life. Being the friend I am, I asked him if he was satisfied with his life. His response that followed had me asking “so would you say that you are breathing but not truly living?” He told me that was a good way to put it. He has learned to compartmentalize certain feelings in order to comfortably sustain his place in life. I know that he is not the only one who has done this. I know that I have and I’m pretty sure at one point and time most people have.

That had me thinking, maybe we take breathing for granted because it is easy and not something we have to think about. In this day and age, we have so much going on it’s nice to know that we don’t have to think about one other thing. But just for the few minutes that it takes for you to read this, I am going to ask you to pay attention to your breathing. Where is your breathing right now? Is it slow, deep and relaxed or is it quickened and shallow? Stop right now and notice where it is, just notice it, don’t try and change it. Was it what you expected?

The next question I have might not be so easy to answer. The question is this. Are you living and breathing? The good news is that we don’t forget to breathe but do we forget to live? Live as is experiencing the present moment, live as in keeping open to all the possibilities that lay before you? For most of us, including me, it’s not easy to live each day to the fullest but is there one thing you can do this week to get closer to living just one day or even just a few hours filled with inspiration and passion? What is that one thing? This is what I will ask myself every day this week. How about you?

Here’s to a week with lots of breathing space and making the most out of it!

Sharing the light with all of you,

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