Thursday, September 10, 2009

Superheroes and their masks

Superheroes and their masks --- what is that all about?

Last week, I was thinking about superheroes and the masks that they wear. I was also thinking about how if they didn’t wear the masks and costumes, their super powers were taken away. Well most of them at least. I wonder if their powers were really gone or if that is what they were told would happen so they dare not try to be powerful in their own right unless they were wearing a mask. As I was talking to my sister about this, I was reminded of how superman still had his power. Yet, while this is true, when he didn’t have that huge S on his chest and was flying around town, he had to keep it hidden and take on the role of a “nerdy” newspaper reporter, which in itself was a mask. This to me was art imitating life. So many of us, myself included wears many masks at different parts in our lives while hiding our own true hidden power that lies inside of all of us. We don’t dare expose that part of ourselves unless we are wearing some sort of mask or costume.

I recalled one of my favorite movies, Never Been Kissed when the teacher was explaining to his students that when you wear a costume and pretend to be someone else you can do things that you never even dared to do with them on. So this got me to thinking about all the masks that I’ve donned throughout life to fit in, to blend in or to even grab the center of attention depend on what it was I thought I needed. Mine was the power of a chameleon, a comedian and a charmer. I played them all very well. But like most superheroes, at the end of the day, even though I had accomplished a job well done I went home alone and empty inside.

So I wonder do we keep our masks on because we are afraid of our own special abilities and the power that they hold? As you go through your week this week, see if you are wearing a mask and is it promoting your own personal power or diminishing it…

Some mask examples:
Happy girl/Happy guy: Are you wearing a smile just because you think it’s the right thing to do and you don’t want people to know what you’re feeling or maybe you don’t want to know what you’re feeling.

Martyr: Boy this is a popular one of mine, I even have it in different colors…where might you be a martyr this week?

Entitled supporter: This is my personal favorite. Are you in a supportive role at home or at work or with your friends? If you are, do you give unconditional support or do you expect something in return?

One thing I wanted to mention is that while I think that we wear masks at different times in our lives to get through our days, I also see many people being their authentic selves and that’s a beautiful thing. Hmm…since all people that we come in contact with are reflections of ourselves, perhaps I see these authentic beings when I myself decide to remove that mask for a moment and be my authentic self. That might be another blog in its own right...

Have a bright and blessed week of self discovery and if anything comes up for you around this and you need additional support, I’d be happy to lend an ear, a shoulder and my heart.

Peacefully yours,

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