Thursday, September 10, 2009

Supersize Me!

Give yourself kudos for even the smallest of things
Take a breath, hold and release
Bear witness to the joy it brings

Look at your life through new and fresh eyes
Lo’ and behold
Fries aren’t the only thing
That can be super sized…

Last week we addressed the elephant in the room and this week I thought I would focus on celebrating the smaller things in life.

I had an interesting conversation with a good friend of mine last week and we were talking about steps he had taken to live full out in order to have the time of his life. He had told me a few things he had done in order to take a step in the right direction and then ended with something like “though they aren’t a big deal”. Sorry, I had to paraphrase a bit there but you get my drift. Being the coach and confidante that I am, I asked him “do you notice how you minimize almost everything, even the good things?”

It got me thinking of how some of us don’t give ourselves enough credit and we don’t celebrate the most minuscule of things. For example, sometimes getting up, getting ourselves ready and out the door for work is all we can muster for a day. How many times have you done that and then thought to yourself, “well I still wasn’t able to get this done or that done?” Instead of that thought, how might your day have turned out if you said “whooo hooo, I got out of bed and put in a good days work today?” We tend to overwork our minds and our bodies. I think it’s time to give ourselves the break that we deserve and shift our focus to super size our spirits and our passion for life.

So this week would you be willing to find one thing every single day to celebrate about yourself? You don’t have to share it with anyone but yourself. If you want to share with others, please do so. Celebrate your ME moment and don’t worry about looking arrogant or prideful. It’s what you feel about you on the inside that counts and I can bet that if you take the time each day to celebrate even the tiniest of things you will become a source of inspiration not only to yourself but to others.

So go ahead, super size your spirit and passion for life and see what unfolds for you.

Wishing you a week filled with goodies, smiles and lots of celebrating YOU!

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