Thursday, September 10, 2009

Teach Your Children

Value, ethics and love all start in the home
We can’t always be where our kids will roam
But what we can teach
Instead of scarcity and lack
What it means to live abundantly and give back

Hello all. I hope you had a good week and that this week is starting out well for you.

As my poem states above, values, ethics and love start in the home. Unfortunately, with the stress that many people are under and with the programs that have been taken away from our schools, our children end up being the ones who suffer. Many times we sit and wonder how we are going to pay the bills and make sure our kids have enough food on the table, not to mention having enough left over for after school programs and events that help our kids with social skills while teaching them the importance of giving back to society. We do all we can for them and yet sometimes we end up falling short or wishing we could do more but aren’t sure how one person can make such a difference.

One of my goals as a coach is to provide guidance and support to kids so that by the time they finish high school, they have such a strong sense of themselves, they will go out into the “real” world with confidence and the ability to do anything their heart desires while knowing the importance of gratitude and giving back. Yet, I too get stuck with wondering how I am going to do this, what additional schooling will I need, who I should contact, the list goes on. So many times, I dream about how cool it would be to be able to do this instead of doing the research needed to make this a reality. And then suddenly this week, I stopped knocking on the door of “how” and looked to the open window that was called opportunity.

A few days ago, I was introduced to a like-minded soul who is giving back to humanity through his music. I have been told many times that I have a knack for connecting people to one another. A conduit of such, so this week my way of giving back and contributing to the greater good is to introduce you to Christopher Milo Productions, a musician and crew that is dedicated through music to help a 5 year old beautiful angel by the name of Shelly. Shelly is suffering from a form of cancer called Neuroblastoma. You can see more of Shelly’s story at I have spoken a few times with Christopher and I told him that I would share his mission in my blog and ask that everyone that reads this to say a healing prayer for Shelly and to pass on the information to keep the prayer circle going. That’s all we’re asking for is one minute out of your day to say a prayer for Shelly. If you aren’t the praying type, please send out healing energy to Shelly and all who are in need of it.

As the days run into each other this week, please take time out to bring yourself and the world healing energy. Think about it, if all people that read this blog focus on healing energy and then share that with others, what a difference it can make.

Here’s to a week full of inspiration and contribution (remember that doesn’t have to involve money) J

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