Thursday, September 10, 2009

What are you trying to control

To accomplish our dreams
We set up our goals
Is one of your first steps
To give up control?

Peaceful greetings to one and all. I hope that you had a great week and that you are continuing down your path that was meant just for you. We all have our own paths to walk down. Some of us walk down the path that has been set out for us and some decide to blaze their own trail. Whichever one is right for you is for you to decide. One thing I am almost certain of is that whatever path we choose, from time to time we set out personal goals for ourselves in regards to our jobs, our families, our future and ourselves.

Some of us give up our goals when what we set out to accomplish doesn’t work out they way that we think they should have. I know that in the past when I had set up a goal and it was too hard or it took too long or it was just too much work, I would give up and start over again. There were those times where I would “white knuckle” it, holding on to the control I thought I had of the situation. I find that when I “white knuckle” life and try to hold on to it, I am faced with struggle and sometimes unhappiness because what I thought I wanted didn’t happen the way I thought I wanted it to.

I think that we limit ourselves when we try to control the outcomes that we strive for. We limit ourselves by seeing the outcome as only one way. Sometimes we even dig our heels in pounding on that proverbial door that never opens and we are so busy trying to control it, we don’t see the other door that just opened wide for us. It’s been said that when you make a plan, God laughs. It was John Lennon who wrote in his song Beautiful Boy “life is what happens to us when we’re busy making other plans”.

This week, while making my plans and setting my goals, the first guidance from my spirit guides I will be asking for is to let go of the control and show me opportunities I may not have seen before if I had held on to tight to the control I thought I needed. What is it that you may need to let go of?

Wishing you a new week of endless opportunity…

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