Thursday, September 10, 2009

Penny for Your Thoughts - May 10, 2009

Thoughts come in and out
A natural flow
Where they go next
Only you can know…

Greetings and to all the mom’s out there I hope you had a fantastic mother’s day.

So imagine if you truly got a penny with each thought you had? I guess there would be no national debt, no bailout packages, and no stimulus checks. We’d have all the money we ever wanted. Well, unfortunately that “penny” is make believe and if we were truly paid for our thoughts, I think they are worth a lot more, for it is what we are made of, our reality and our perception is born from our very own thoughts.

Last week I had mentioned that I would keep a thought journal during the week and then write a little bit about the outcome. Even in this moment, thoughts are coming in a mile a minute…let me take a deep breath…why don’t you do the same just for a moment…inhale and count to 3..hold for a count of 3…and now exhale for a count of 3. There much better.

OK where was I? Oh yes, the thought journal. Did I journal everyday about my thoughts? The truth is no but I did journal about them and what was created by them. I had both positive and negative thoughts and some were even transferred to other people (it’s called blame and judgment in case you were wondering). One thing I did last week was practice a tool that I had learned from a friend of mine who has worked with a coach by the name of Byron Katie. It’s called Judge Your Neighbor and once you have the thought of the person you turn it back around to yourself. For example, a person at work had said something and I immediately thought “how can this person be so negative, how sad for them and how rude”. As soon as I had that thought I turned it around to me and looked to see where I was showing negativity and where I was perhaps being rude. I did this through the day that day and into the next. It became a sort of a game for me. I realized that whether the thoughts were negative or positive and if they were coming to me by way of a person in my life, I was able to see that this wonderful being on the other side of me was just showing me myself and qualities that I might not have been seeing at the time. I was able to let go of blame and resentment and now when I thought of this person I quietly said to myself “thank you for the lesson you just gave me.” It turned things around for me and all in all, with what I have going currently in this crazy game of life, the week turned out to be a pretty great one. At least I THOUGHT it was.

Your mission this week, should you choose to accept it, is to turn your thoughts around. When you are blaming someone or some circumstance for something in your life, turn that around and see where you do it. For example, “he must not care for me or he wouldn’t….” can be turned around to “I must not care for me because…” No, it’s not an easy process and if any of you are courageous to give it a try and need some encouragement around it, let me know, I’d be happy to listen.

As always, I wish you a week filled with many lessons, lots of extraordinary moments and an abundant supply of joy.

Peace to your body, mind and spirit,
p.s. for more on Byron Katie and The Work please go to
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