Thursday, September 10, 2009

When Life Isn't What We Want It To Be

Life experiences, they say
Are the best teacher
And it’s usually the negative ones
When we become the seeker

I hope that you all had a great week last week. A good friend of mine had called and she’s in a very dark place right now. She had requested to be removed from the mailing list because she was having a hard time seeing the positive out of the negative events in her life. Don’t get me wrong, she has a lot of, to be blunt, crap be throwing at her right now and I don’t blame her in the least for where she is. It got me thinking about how sending bright and positive messages out in the world might not be what is always needed. In the coaching work that I do, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows; it can get very deep, very negative and very dark for some. However at the end of that dark path, the light starts to shine and the lessons that are taken away are nothing short of amazing and the most incredible part is that the person travelling down that path finds their own answers and their own way.

Negative and traumatic experiences that rock our place in this world, I believe, are necessary in order to knock us off balance, wake us up and make us take a look around. A few days ago, I received an email message that read:

We learn from our experiences in this world, and we often learn most effectively from the negative experiences. It's not necessary, but sometimes when things are going well, we tend to get a little complacent and a little sluggish in our approach to life. Then something comes in that upsets us, that shakes us up, and we may stop taking things for granted…

There was a little more to the quote but the part that spoke to my heart was the last line about how we may stop taking things for granted when all is going “right” in our life. This being said, I’m not wishing any of you trauma and grief but maybe, just maybe, the trauma that shakes us up is exactly what we need in order to take us where we need to go…down our paths, feeling our way through the dark times so we can be even more grateful when the light shines again.

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