Thursday, September 10, 2009

Cleaning up our mess

As we move through life
There is much to address
Instead of leaving our trash behind
Let’s clean up our mess

Hello everyone. We are half way through summer, can you believe it? I hope you are all staying cool and remembering to stay hydrated as well as helping to keep children and elders hydrated.

Last week, I wrote about learning lessons as we navigate our way through life. This week I’ll be touching on the lessons we learn as children and pass on when we have kid’s of our own. One lesson that I am constantly teaching my daughter is that of reminding her to leave her surroundings the way she found it which includes cleaning up after herself. Just yesterday as we were leaving, I asked her to put her toys away in her room and pick up the blanket she had left on the floor. When we got in the car and were leaving I thought of the type of example I am being to my daughter. Do I pick up after myself when she is around me and more importantly what other messes in my life do I need to clean up to be the best mom I can be?

Many of us have “messes” that may not be seen by others. These could be considered secrets or shame that we might be holding to and we don’t want anyone to know about. These are things in our lives that we might not want to face in terms of our finances, our health, our relationships, our personal and professional lives. You can consider these issues “clutter of the soul” and until you clean up the mess around those areas, your soul will not be free to help you be the best person you can be and shine your light and special gifts to the world.

I have a lot of clutter around my relationship with money and how I manage it. So this week I will finish the budget chart I set up on my computer and will keep accurate records of where I spend my money so that I can start to clean out the mess around this situation which will be the first step in regaining and maintaining a healthy relationship with money.

What can you do this week to help clean up your mess? Do you need to make that doctor’s appointment you’ve been putting off, spend more time with your children and loved ones, or perhaps you need to have a conversation with a co-worker, spouse or friend that you’ve been putting off until later. Whatever it might be, you will feel better once you’ve started to clean up your personal clutter and it will trickle down to other areas of your life that will open up more space for you. Consider it a small but important step in helping clean up the collaborative mess that we’ve all created.

Here’s wishing you a week of getting rid of clutter and letting go of what no longer works for you or serves your best interest.

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