Thursday, September 10, 2009

Do you really want to know

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a crystal ball
To show us which way we need to go
But the Universe gives us the gift
Of being with “I just don’t know”

Dear Ones,

I hope you all had a great week of being in the moment and experiencing your life.

As many of you know, I am going through some major life shifts. There have been so many days where I wake up wondering where life is going to take me next. I’ve considered consulting a psychic for guidance and find myself on some days asking my friends for advice. While it’s important to get validation for my decisions, I am ultimately the only one who can decide if what I’m doing is right for me. What is even more important is being comfortable with not knowing where life might be taking me.

It’s funny, I’ll be at work and I will hear people get frustrated when they ask someone a question and the answer they get back is “I don’t know”. Is that because none of us are comfortable with not knowing? Is it because we have set expectations that we should know? Of course, it’s important to know what we’re doing when it comes to work and often I might say “I don’t know but let me see if I can find out for you”. It’s just another form of being in service to others. But on the other side of the coin, if more people were ok with living in the unknown, would that make things easier for them?

Debbie Ford, my spiritual teacher and mentor says that “knowing is the boobie prize.” We can make plans and set goals for our lives but I think by needing to know what is going to happen can set us up for disappointment. It can also limit us to what we can accomplish. If we are set on needing to know what is going to happen, we pigeon hole our possibilities. It’s important for us to make plans and set goals that will help us to become who we were meant to be in our lives, but it is equally important to being ok with not knowing what the specific outcome might be. By sitting in the not knowing-ness of it all, we open ourselves up to unlimited possibilities. When we do this, we can ride the tide with the flow of the Universe and stop exhausting ourselves swimming upstream and trying to control our outcomes.

So here’s to a week of unlimited possibilities and not knowing where we are all going to end up.

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