Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Elephant in the Room

Out the window, sad elephant stares
Why is he locked inside?
How did he get there?

It’s time to face the issues
That we might not see
But are definitely at hand
It’s time to set that elephant free
To romp and play and roam the land…

I am sure all of you have heard of the term “the elephant in the room”. I was looking for a way to describe it and found this meaning on the internet. “Having an elephant in the room is a metaphor for living with a huge issue and either you see the elephant but do nothing to get rid of it or you don’t even see it”. In other words, there is some issue that you have been avoiding or denying because either it’s so big you don’t know where to start or you don’t think it’s that big of a deal and hope that it will just go away by itself. Unfortunately, not dealing with the issue or issues at hand will only cause the elephant to get bigger.

And because each of us are unique in our own ways, we will have unique issues but I would bet that most of them revolve around our relationship, our finances, our homes or our health. Probably for most of us, it’s more than one. I have been known to have more than one elephant in the house at a time and man does it get cramped and crowded and messy. In all seriousness, when you find yourself with one or more elephants, tackle one at a time. When you have the first one handled, you will find it that much easier to set the rest free.

For this week, challenge yourself to first recognize the elephant. Pay some attention to it and see what you would need to remove from your thoughts in order to set it free. Can you come up with one excuse you think of that helps you avoid that beast of burden? To get you started, here is mine for the week…”with everything going on in my life, I just don’t have time to…

OK, now your turn…

Wishing you a week of inner beauty, laughter and peace as you move through your days. As always, I am here to support and guide you in having the time of your life, no matter what that is.

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