Thursday, September 10, 2009

Life's Lesson Plan

We’ve had our share of heartbreak
Even say we’ve been burned
Instead of wondering what went wrong
Look for the lessons learned

Hi friends. I hope last week was filled with moments of gratitude and abundant blessings. Last week, I introduced you all to Shelly who is fighting for her life against a rare form of cancer. We are keeping her in our prayers and are keeping hope and faith alive that she will beat this and be one of the greatest success stories ever told.

Unfortunately, not all people dealing with life altering situations make it through their struggles. At some point in our lives, we have all experienced loss of loved ones, jobs, friends, relationships and some of us have even lost ourselves along the way. Sometimes we feel so much heartbreak we aren’t sure if we can go on. We ask ourselves why it had to happen and try to make heads and tails of our lives.

Any type of loss is a sort of “death” in our lives. What I mean by this is that when we suffer any type of heartbreak we go through stages of anger, denial, bargaining, depression and acceptance. It’s important to remember that these stages don’t necessarily appear “in order” and that even though you’ve started to accept the situation you may still experience depression, anger, denial and bargaining again. One day you may find yourself waking up really angry and can’t figure out why. Eventually you connect it to your experience of heartbreak and may say to yourself “wow, I thought I was over it”.

You’ve heard the sayings, “there is always a silver lining” and “the gold is in the dark”. These sayings are to remind us that even when we experience heartbreak and loss, there are important lessons for each of us to learn. I recently heard in an interview done with Louise Hay that once we think we learned the lesson, it will come back to us at least one more time to see if our reaction to that lesson has changed. In a movie that I just watched tonight, I was reminded that these events, however traumatic, make us who we are and often remind us of our compassion and our ability for forgiveness which helps to open up our hearts.

So maybe we will never completely be over the loss and heartbreak in our lives, but once we learn what was specifically laid out just for us from the Universe, we will be able to move forward and be well prepared for the next lesson that comes along and will face those lessons with more courage, love and strength than we had before.

Wishing you a week of opportunity.

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