Monday, November 9, 2009


Time spent wracking our brains

Trying to figure out who we’re supposed to be
The most important thing to remember
Is that it’s not you, it’s me

Greetings all,

Thank you for all your kind comments on my blog last week. I hope you were all able to sit in gratitude for all that you do have and that you took some time out just for you. This week the focus is on ME time.

Many of us rush through our days busy with our careers and our families forgetting to take time out for ourselves. We are faced with daily responsibilities and before you know it, the homework is done, the dishes are cleaned and then it’s time to collapse into bed ready to start it all over again in seven or eight hours, if we're lucky enough to give ourselves that much rest.

Some of us haven’t learned to take the quality ME time that we need every day. Perhaps we grew up learning to please others or we were afraid that we’d be called selfish if we took time out for ourselves. For many years, I struggled with being called selfish. I was taught, as many were, that being selfish is bad and not right. Being selfish to a lot of people means only thinking of themselves without regards for any other person. I do believe if taken to extreme, being selfish will rob you of your true purpose in life. Perhaps a step to getting closer to your true purpose is to accept that on some level you may be seen as selfish because you know how to take care of your body, mind and spirit first before being of service to others. You make it a daily practice to fill your own container of self worth and love so that it overflows out into your world. It is not only important but imperative to learn how to do this. Robbing yourself of self care can lead to resentments, anger and just plain exhaustion.

Whether it’s through exercise, reading, writing, listening to music or just sitting still, we all need some time each day to recharge our batteries. This week I encourage you to take a few minutes each day just for you. Find something that fills you with joy. See if you can start with just 2 or 3 minutes and then add a minute each day allowing more serenity into your life.

And if you are worried about seeming selfish when taking time for you, take the advice of any flight attendant and “put on your oxygen mask before assisting another.”

Breathe it in…

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